Mabgate Regeneration Framework

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Consultation has concluded

The Mabgate Regeneration Framework conversation has closed for now. Thank you to everyone who has been part of the conversation so far, we have received a wide range of feedback which has provided an invaluable insight into Mabgate. This is being reviewed to help shape the Regeneration Framework. We will reopen the conversation later this summer to share the outcomes and progress of the work.

Do you live in and around Mabgate or have an interest in the area? We’d love to hear your views on what makes Mabgate great, what could be improved and what is important to you for the future of the area.

To find out more about this project, take a look at the 'What is this all about' poster in the documents section.

Images: Mabgate Annual 2019, artist-led community gala Credit: Emma Hardaker and photographer Danny Marsh.

How to get involved:

1. Please note this project is open to everyone. You do not have to register to Your Voice Leeds but by doing so you will be able to get more involved with this project and we'll be able to keep in touch.

2. Share Your Views by completing our survey

3. Use Your Space to drop a pin on your favourite place or an area where you'd like to see improvement.

4. Send us Your ideas for the area.

The Mabgate Regeneration Framework conversation has closed for now. Thank you to everyone who has been part of the conversation so far, we have received a wide range of feedback which has provided an invaluable insight into Mabgate. This is being reviewed to help shape the Regeneration Framework. We will reopen the conversation later this summer to share the outcomes and progress of the work.

Do you live in and around Mabgate or have an interest in the area? We’d love to hear your views on what makes Mabgate great, what could be improved and what is important to you for the future of the area.

To find out more about this project, take a look at the 'What is this all about' poster in the documents section.

Images: Mabgate Annual 2019, artist-led community gala Credit: Emma Hardaker and photographer Danny Marsh.

How to get involved:

1. Please note this project is open to everyone. You do not have to register to Your Voice Leeds but by doing so you will be able to get more involved with this project and we'll be able to keep in touch.

2. Share Your Views by completing our survey

3. Use Your Space to drop a pin on your favourite place or an area where you'd like to see improvement.

4. Send us Your ideas for the area.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Seize your chance to shape the future of a neighbourhood that has a definite spark and personality all of its own. To join the conversation, please complete the survey.

    The feedback will be part of the development of the Mabgate regeneration framework.  The framework will aim to ensure that the growth happening there is inclusive, putting people first in the delivery of new infrastructure and better connecting them to jobs, training and learning. Another important consideration will be ensuring that arts and culture continue to thrive as new investment finds its way to the area.

    Find out more about this and other projects related to it head to the documents section on the homepage.

    Consultation has concluded
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