Reducing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping

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Thank you, this consultation has now concluded. The responses will be used to inform the updated Housing Strategy.

The aim of this theme is to reduce the number of homeless people in Leeds, through early intervention to prevent homelessness and to support people who are homeless to move into suitable accommodation. In 2020/21 the proportion of people prevented from becoming homeless stood at 92%. In January 2020 there were 39 homeless people in Leeds. By March 2021 this had been reduced to 16.

Although progress is being made, and the Council works well with partners to prevent many people from becoming homeless, we want to ensure this theme of the Housing Strategy remains robust for the next five years, and we'd love to hear your thoughts on how this can be done.

You can help shape the future strategy by

  • Completing the survey below
  • Giving any additional comments or suggestions to us.

The aim of this theme is to reduce the number of homeless people in Leeds, through early intervention to prevent homelessness and to support people who are homeless to move into suitable accommodation. In 2020/21 the proportion of people prevented from becoming homeless stood at 92%. In January 2020 there were 39 homeless people in Leeds. By March 2021 this had been reduced to 16.

Although progress is being made, and the Council works well with partners to prevent many people from becoming homeless, we want to ensure this theme of the Housing Strategy remains robust for the next five years, and we'd love to hear your thoughts on how this can be done.

You can help shape the future strategy by

  • Completing the survey below
  • Giving any additional comments or suggestions to us.

Thank you, this consultation has now concluded. The responses will be used to inform the updated Housing Strategy.

Thank you for your comment. It will not be made public.