Your ideas to help improve the local community

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Are you a council tenant or live in a community with council homes?

Do you live in any of the following communities?



Halton Moor







Great Preston

Allerton Bywater


If so, your local 'Outer South East Housing Advisory Panel' or HAP, would like your ideas.

The HAP are a group of volunteer council tenants, who together with local Councillors, meet with staff from Housing Leeds six times a year. The HAP have a budget to be able to fund:

  • Small environmental projects - like improving a communal area or making waste or recycling improvements
  • Community projects to help improve the environment, support residents health and wellbeing, community safety or an activity related to employment and skills.

The funds come from council tenant's rents, so what they fund has to benefit council tenants and their families.

The HAP would like your help to make sure that the funds they give benefit a range of tenants. All ideas will be taken on board, but the HAP are especially keen to have suggestions for local projects that will benefit children and younger tenants and their families.

For example, is there a local community group that would like to do more? Or a communal or green space on an estate that could be improved that will benefit younger residents?

The HAP are open to receiving your suggestions up to the end of January 2023 and will then pool your ideas and get in touch with you if you've made a suggestion that we feel we can take forward. The HAP is only able to fund projects that benefit council tenants and their families - see the guidance notes attached.

You can also speak to one of the team if you'd like to give us a call.

Are you a council tenant or live in a community with council homes?

Do you live in any of the following communities?



Halton Moor







Great Preston

Allerton Bywater


If so, your local 'Outer South East Housing Advisory Panel' or HAP, would like your ideas.

The HAP are a group of volunteer council tenants, who together with local Councillors, meet with staff from Housing Leeds six times a year. The HAP have a budget to be able to fund:

  • Small environmental projects - like improving a communal area or making waste or recycling improvements
  • Community projects to help improve the environment, support residents health and wellbeing, community safety or an activity related to employment and skills.

The funds come from council tenant's rents, so what they fund has to benefit council tenants and their families.

The HAP would like your help to make sure that the funds they give benefit a range of tenants. All ideas will be taken on board, but the HAP are especially keen to have suggestions for local projects that will benefit children and younger tenants and their families.

For example, is there a local community group that would like to do more? Or a communal or green space on an estate that could be improved that will benefit younger residents?

The HAP are open to receiving your suggestions up to the end of January 2023 and will then pool your ideas and get in touch with you if you've made a suggestion that we feel we can take forward. The HAP is only able to fund projects that benefit council tenants and their families - see the guidance notes attached.

You can also speak to one of the team if you'd like to give us a call.

Ask us a question about this consultation or about the HAP and it's role

If you'd like to know more about this consultation, ask about the HAP and it's role, or have any other questions about your ideas and suggestions please let us know.

You need to be signed in to add your question.

Page last updated: 31 Jan 2023, 12:00 PM